Lavender Honey From France
Lavender Honey From France

Hedene Lavender Honey From France


Lavender Honey From France

Starting at:
59,60 / KG

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Lavender honey is a monofloral honey with floral and fruity flavors. It is sweeter than oak honey and it melts softly in the mouth, to the delight of epicures! Harvested in France, Hédène lavender honey is the most scented one. Its creamy texture enhances exceptional floral overtones, enriched with subtle nuances of fresh fruits. Its typical taste has a light acidity. Its woody, green and floral aromas have a lingering taste. Most refined palates might feel sweet almond overtones on the finish. Flowering goes from mid-June to the beginning of August. Harvest happens from late July to early September.
Lavender honey 100% from France